Asphalt Roofing Replacement Tips To Prevent Premature Roof Failure

Replacing an asphalt roof is a major investment, so you must ensure that the roof lasts a long time. Your new asphalt roof should protect your home from the elements and keep moisture out of the structure. If you don't install the roof correctly, it may fail shortly after installation, leading to costly repairs. Therefore, consider these asphalt roofing replacement tips to prevent premature roof failure.  

Remove the Old Asphalt Shingles 

When replacing an asphalt shingle roof for the first time, you can remove the old shingles or roof over them. Roofing over old shingles is cost-effective, as it eliminates the cost of removing and disposing of old materials. However, this approach can cause your new roof to fail prematurely. The old shingles may conceal rot, moisture, and underlay damage. If you don't address these issues, your new roof won't last long. Therefore, tear down the old shingles to reveal underlying structural problems that may decrease the life span of your new roof.

Identify the Structure's Weaknesses 

Before installing a new asphalt roof, you need to identify the weaknesses of the old one. Were there any risk factors that caused your old roof to fail? Below are the issues to look out for: 

  • Shingle damage because of inferior materials
  • Cracks on the shingles due to the impact of hailstones and flying debris
  • Roof leaks around eaves, valleys, and penetrations
  • Rotting deck because of leaks or lack of a waterproof membrane 

Once you identify these risks, take measures to mitigate them, so you can increase the life span of your new roof. For example, if the old roof failed due to inclement weather, you could invest in sturdier materials that can withstand hailstorms, heavy rainfall, and high winds. If your roof has penetrations, you should seal them correctly to prevent leaks. 

Install a Waterproof Membrane

Roof leaks can severely damage your shingles and weaken the roof deck. A waterproof membrane or underlayment installed underneath the roof can create a moisture barrier between the shingles and the deck. When a leak occurs, the underlay prevents the moisture from seeping into the roof deck. The best underlays for asphalt roofs are rubberized asphalt and synthetic underlayment.

Rubberized asphalt is costly, but it provides the highest level of waterproofing. You can use it in specific leak-prone areas, such as valleys, eaves, vents, chimneys, and around skylights, solar units, and HVAC equipment. Synthetic underlayment is resistant to tears, rot, and moisture infiltration. It costs less than rubberized asphalt, so it is ideal for waterproofing the entire roofing structure.

Your new roof has to be installed correctly to perform optimally and last a long time. Therefore, hire a skilled contractor for roof replacement services.

Contact a local roof replacement service to learn more. 
