5 Essential Tips For Roof Repairs After A Storm

No one wants their roof to sustain damage from a storm, but it does happen. Whether it’s a hurricane, tornado, thunderstorm, or windstorm, there are steps you can take to get your roof repaired quickly and safely. If you’re a homeowner, apartment owner, or business owner, read on for some useful advice for taking care of your roof after a storm.

Assess the Damage

The first thing you should do after a storm has damaged your roof is to check the damage. Examine your roof for missing shingles, dents, or cracks. Check the inside of your home or building for any water damage. If you see any water stains or noticeable leaks, you’ll need to act quickly to prevent further damage. Take photos of any damage you see to provide to your insurance company or roofing contractor.

Cover Any Open Areas

If your roof is damaged, cover any open areas with a tarp or plastic sheeting to prevent further damage from rain or wind. This will help keep your home or building dry and reduce the risk of additional water damage. If you’re unable to cover the damaged area yourself, contact a professional roofing company as soon as possible.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Contact your insurance company to report any damage as soon as possible. They’ll want to assess the damage for themselves and may require photos or damage reports from a professional roofing contractor before approving any claim. Additionally, your insurance company may recommend roofing contractors or provide you with a list of approved contractors.

Look for Local Professional Roofing Services

When searching for a roofing contractor to fix your roof, look for local professional roofing services. A local roofing contractor is more familiar with the specific weather patterns and building codes in your area and is best suited to handle any repairs or replacements. A professional roofing contractor should also be licensed, insured, and able to provide references and a written estimate for the work.

Stay Safe

Finally, stay safe when dealing with roof repairs after a storm. Wear protective gear such as gloves, safety glasses, and a hard hat, and be careful when walking on your roof. If you’re unsure about your ability to repair your roof safely, contact a professional roofing contractor.

Remember, if your roof sustains damage, the most important thing you can do is act quickly to prevent further damage. Assess the damage, cover any open areas, contact your insurance company, look for local professional roofing services, and stay safe. 

Contact a roofing contractor to learn more. 
