Identifying Roof Storm Damage: When to Hire a Professional

As a homeowner, protecting one of your most significant investments is always a top priority. The roof, your home's frontline against the elements, is particularly vulnerable during storms. Whether it's heavy rain, strong winds, or hail, these weather extremes can cause damage that may not be entirely noticeable. Understandably, spotting signs of storm damage early is crucial, and knowing when to call a professional becomes an essential next step. Ignoring these signs can lead to more extensive problems and higher repair costs down the line. 

The Aftermath of a Storm: Assessing Your Roof

After a storm has passed, it's time to assess the state of your roof. While some damages are obvious—such as missing shingles or large punctures—others can be more subtle and require a closer look from a trained eye. Here are the key indicators that your roof has sustained storm damage.

  • Visible Exterior Damage: Start by visually inspecting your roof for any signs of damage from the ground. Look for missing or cracked shingles, dents in gutters, or debris on your roof, as these can indicate a more significant problem.
  • Interior Signs: Don't forget to check inside your attic for water stains or leaks, which can signal a breach in your roofing system. These may not be immediate after a storm and can take a while to manifest.
  • Check Your Surroundings: Assess your property for any hail-damaged vehicles, glass breakages, or downed trees. These indicators, coupled with exterior damage on the roof, can point to the severity of the situation.

When to Hire a Roofer: The Importance of Professional Assessment

It's always a good idea to give the benefit of the doubt to your personal safety. Therefore, if you suspect or have seen signs of any damage, it's essential to bring in a professional. Here's when their expertise is invaluable.

  • Specialized Inspection: Roofers are trained to identify even the smallest signs of damage. Utilizing sophisticated techniques and safety measures, they can perform a thorough assessment of your roof.
  • Insurance Considerations: A professional roofer can document the damage with high-quality evidence, often required by insurance companies. They can provide a detailed report to support your insurance claim, facilitating a smoother process.
  • Proper Repair: If damage is found, a professional can not only handle the repairs safely but also ensure that they are done to a high standard, standing up to future weather events.

Contact roofers in your area for more information. 
